Two Side of Online Transportation
Currently, transportation is an important need for the denizen of Indonesia. Transportation makes we easy to reach our destination. There are many public transportations like bus, taxi, train, angkot, and many more. And not long ago, come up a new public transportation based on technology. We can reserved the transportation through their application in our smartphone. The transportation can be in a form of a car or motorcycle. Examples of that online transportation are Grab and Go-Jek. In fact, there are many problems caused by online transportation.
Based on data, this transportation has not been formalized by the government and they do not pay taxes. This is contrary of UU no 22 tahun 2009 which contain about traffic and public transportation. Many parties oppose the existence of this trabsportation. Opposition between conventional and online transportation is increasingly common, as the online transportation business grows in various region. Many conventional transportation do demonstration in the city of Indonesia. This is because their income has dropped since online public transportation is exist.
On the other hand, from the result of research, many society like to use this online transportation. There are many advantages from this transportation. Like we can reserved easily yhe transportation and the fare is cheaper than conventional transportation. We can reach our destination easily. And we can ordered food or something else through they applications. The security is guaranteed because if we ordered the transportation, we can knew the data profile of the driver.
Based on data, there are 15 millions peoples use this online public transportation in a week. This is because the facilities that they provide. And based on the people experiences, the drivers are honest and friendly. That's make the society prefer to choose online transportation than other transportation.
The problem of online transportation is still a serious problen in Indonesia, as the refusak from conventional transportation in many city. To sum up, this problems depends on the society. They have the right to vote which transportation they want to use. And know, the existence of online transportation stilk regulated by the government based on consideration from the society and other people.
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