Rabu, 17 Januari 2018

White tailed deer

COMMON NAME: White-Tailed Deer
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Odocoileus virginianus
TYPE: Mammals
DIET: Herbivores
SIZE: 6 to 7.75 ft
WEIGHT: 110 to 300 lbs

White taled deer, the smallest members of the North American deer family, are found from southern Canada to South America. I the heat of summer they typically inhabt fields and meadows using chumps of broad leaved and coniferou forest for shade. During the winter they generally keep to forests, prefering coniferous stands that provide shelter from the harsb elements.

The white tailed deer is the most widely distributed of North America’s large mammals. It can be found as far south as the southern tip of north america, and as far north as Great Slave Lake in Northwest  Territories, Canada. It also spreads as far east as Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotta to as far west as southern British Columbia.

Female deer, give birth to one to three young at a time, usually in May or June and after a gestation period of 7 months. Young deer, called fawns, wear a reddish brown  coat with white spots that helps them blend in with the forest.

White tailed deer are herbivores. Whitetail deer have an extremely diverse diet, and have been known to eat over 600 different plants. They love to eat acorns, grasses, leaves, crops like soybeans and corn, berries, twigs, fungi, fruit, and nuts.

Whitetail deer have a four chambered stomach, which allows them to digest extremely tough vegetation. They will eat quickly without chewing while feeding, and later they will cough their food up and chew it.
Whitetail deer have highly specialized teeth to help them with their diet. Whitetails have sharp incisors for biting through tough vegetation, and big molars for grinding it up when they chew.
Occasionally venturing out in the daylight hours, white tailed deer are primarily nocturnal or crepuscular, browsing mainly at daw and dusk.

The whitetail's coat will change with the seasons, from reddish brown in the spring and summer when vegetation is growing to grayish brown in the winter. This helps the deer to stay camouflaged all year round. The change in color happens quickly, usually in 1 or 2 weeks.
Whitetail bucks will shed their antlers in the winter, like most other species of deer. If a whitetail buck is diseased, they may drop their antlers in the spring or summer.
During the spring whitetail bucks will grow antlers at a very rapid rate. Some sub-species of whitetail deer will grow antlers at a rate of 1 inch per day.
During the spring and summer whitetail deer antlers are covered with a highly vascularized tissue called velvet. This velvet will dry out, and the antlers will harden in the fall.

1 Whitetail deer are pretty fast. A whitetail deer can run at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, and swim at speeds of up to 13 miles per hour.
2 Whitetail deer can eat many mushrooms which are poisonous to humans.
·     3 White tailed refers to the white underside of the deer’s tail, which it displays when on the alert.
·     4 White tailed deer hide their fawns on the forest floor or in tail grass to keep them safe.
·     5 Booming populations of deer threaten the survival of rare forest flora in Appalachian region.
·     6 A newborn fawn  can stand in twenty minutes, walk in one hour, run a bit twenty_four hours, and outrun a man in five days.
·     7 The hollow winter hair of the deer’s coat provides excellent insulayion preventing loss of body heat, while also keeping the snow from melting.
·     8 On average, a deer needs to eat about eight pounds of vegetation, per one hundred pounds of body weight, per day. And 150 pound deer needs to eat twelve pounds of food in a twenty four hour period over most of the year.
·     9  Over most of the year, whitetails remain bedded sixty to seventy percent of the time, usually feeding five times every 24 hours.
·    10 Like a human, an adult deer has thirty two teeth. But a deer has no upper teeth in the front of its mouth.
·    11 Large white tailed deer result from three factors: nutritious food, increasing buck age, and good genes. The shape, or configuration, of the antlers is strictly genetic.
·    12 Chin whiskers tell deer exactly how far from the ground their lips are when feeding.
13 Adult deers start to grow around the last of March of early Spril, and grop at the rate of about a quarter inch per day. 

1. Which statement is true...
a. White tailed deer are found from Southern Canada to South America
b. White-tailed deer are omnivores
c. White-tailed deer are not mammalia
d. Female deer, give birth to one to five young at a time
e.The white tailed deer are small mammals.

2. The statements are true, except...

a. Young deer also called fawn
b. White-tailed deer can live 6 to 14 years
c. The whitetail coat will turn grayish brown in spring.
d. Whitetail deer have a four chambered stomach
e. The whitetail's coat will change with the seasons

3. Large white tailed deer result from many factors, the factors are...

a. Nutritious food, increasing buck age, and configuration
b. The shape, increasing buck age, and good genes
c. Nutritious food, decreasing buck age, and good genes
d. Quality of habitat, increasing buck age, and good genes
e. Nutritious food, increasing buck age, and good genes

4. The uniqueness of a newborn fawn for example are below, except...

a. Drinking 8 liters of water every day
b. Stand in twenty minutes
c. Walk in one hour
d. Run a bit twentyfour hours
e. Outrun a man in five days.

5. During the winter they generally keep to...

a. Oceans
b. Forests
c. Fields
d. Gardens
e. Mountains

Reference: https://www.google.co.id/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/w/white-tailed-deer/&ved=2ahUKEwjZ7p7use_YAhUMQI8KHfqhCNIQFjAAegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw2jBjIEqsmFcqDcsO1CmCYI

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